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Wendy Lewis
Jan 6, 20213 min read
Rise and Shine
Have you ever had one of those days… not a BAD day… but a Looooong day! One of those days where you feel mentally exhausted and if...
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Wendy Lewis
Dec 13, 20205 min read
Bring the "Wonder" Back
It’s almost Christmas Ya’ll… Can you believe it? I was sitting at my desk in my classroom last week. It was lunch time. My brain was...
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Wendy Lewis
Mar 29, 20203 min read
Don’t worry... Be happy!!!
Oooooh... ooooh... ooooh.. don’t worry be happy now... Now I’ve got you all singing with me! Amazing how the WORLD can sing these words...
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Wendy Lewis
Mar 5, 20203 min read
Picture this... a table of middle school and high school boys at Chic-Fil-a and a large tray of nuggets. Now picture this... the tray...
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Wendy Lewis
Feb 10, 20202 min read
Let's Sit Awhile...
The other night a rare event occurred in my house…all 5 of us were at home, and did not have any where particular to be that night. In...
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Wendy Lewis
Jan 27, 20203 min read
On a Mission...
My boys have always made fun of me... well, for lots of things, but quite often, for how I walk when I am in Walmart. "Mom, slow down,...
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Wendy Lewis
Dec 14, 20194 min read
Full Access!
"Well, why didn't you say so, Come on in!" You want to sing "We're off to see the wizard" now don't you? This is one of my favorite...
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Wendy Lewis
Dec 13, 20195 min read
A Let's Go "FAITH"
Have you ever heard someone use the term... "Put your money where your mouth is"? What point are they trying to get across? Most of...
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Wendy Lewis
Dec 12, 20196 min read
If your'e Looking for Him... You will recognize Him!
It’s been a long week. You have gotten some not so good news this week. Things are not going the way you though they were. Now, on top...
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Wendy Lewis
Dec 10, 20193 min read
Where are you GROWING?
A few days ago, one of my twins was putting on his clothes for school. He came into my bedroom looking for shorts. Not that their...
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Wendy Lewis
Nov 27, 20194 min read
As I began to develop my website and blog months ago, God was stirring something inside me that would change the way I “do life” forever....
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Wendy Lewis
Nov 20, 20194 min read
My Source of JOY
“Happen”ness or Happiness…. It’s your CHOICE. If you’re happy and you know it… Clap your hands, stomp your feet… If you’re happy and you...
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Wendy Lewis
Nov 11, 20196 min read
For Such a Time as This...
I vividly remember the first few months of my boy’s lives. I brought them home from the hospital wearing their precious newborn outfits....
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Wendy Lewis
Nov 4, 20195 min read
How's Your SOIL?
Over the last two weeks we have been exploring what it means to be everything God called you to be… Discovering who you are in Christ and...
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Wendy Lewis
Oct 29, 20194 min read
Leave it "ALL" on the Field!!!!
It's Friday afternoon, the last school day bell has been heard, the sounds of children's voices fill the air with excitement that the...
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Wendy Lewis
Oct 21, 20194 min read
Who Are You?
Have you ever introduced yourself to someone, gave them your full name, greeted them and then immediately they respond, “Now, who are...
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Wendy Lewis
Oct 7, 20193 min read
Get Your Bearings Straight
“Alright everybody, just be quiet a minute. I need to think. Just let me get my bearings straight!” I can hear my daddy’s voice just...
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Wendy Lewis
Sep 24, 20195 min read
The sun is beginning to set and the magic begins. A cool breeze cuts through the humidity of a South Texas September night. Suddenly,...
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Wendy Lewis
Sep 16, 20193 min read
Keep your Cool!
It’s 5:00 in the afternoon. It’s been a good, but long day at work, and now it’s time to make dinner. I put water in several pots,...
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Wendy Lewis
Sep 9, 20194 min read
Pass the Salt Please (Post #4 of 5)
As the storm door closed quickly behind me and I entered the kitchen, I could hear the distinct sound of the makings of a good day. The...
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