I had the privilege of enjoying some quiet time one morning this week as I was driving to a regional math conference. Quiet is a treasured commodity when you have five boys. The sun was rising, no snow, no rain, what a beautiful way to start the day. I always enjoy the times in my car, listening to my music and being able to spend time worshiping “Wendy’s” way… a little Kari Jobe, William McDowell and ya gotta get your groove on with Lecrae. A song came on and the lyrics said this, “ God, you make the most of me.” I LOVE THiS! This song took me back to a conversation with one of my students this week. They were talking to me about my iphone and they were telling me all these things I could do with it that I didn’t know how to do. I started to see that the uses of my device were much greater than I realized. It wasn’t being used to its fullest potential because I didn’t know everything about operating it. I’m sure the creators of my iphone 5 could make my iphone do so much more because they designed it! God just began to speak to me about my life and the areas that I was not living up to my fullest potential. Many of us are living our lives like I use my iphone. We are not using everything our “manufacturer” placed in us because we haven’t consulted him. I love what it says in Ephesians. Ephesians 2:10 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.
God created each of us for a specific purpose. We must consult him in all things so that we live out “OUR PURPOSE” with POWER. You are created in the image of God. Isn’t that awesome!!! The God who created the universe formed and designed you. God wants to do great things through you. Many times we are doing many good things, but in the midst of that, the “good things” are distracting us from our “God things”. I challenge you today, to take time and ask God to reveal his purpose in your life. Allow God to show you just what he created you for. You are created in his image, go live your life today with power and purpose.
